ELAN Healing
Wellness Mastery - Module 1
Wellness Education
Module 1: Wellness Education (16 hours video & Printable Manual)
The 5 Apparent Truths for Life
Mechanistic VS Vitalistic Viewpoints
The body is the sum of its parts, or
The body is more than the sum of its parts
Historical Perspectives
History of American Medicine
Chiropractic History
The Medical Story is Great Business
America is Sick
There is a Health Care Crisis
Health Care is Not Sick Care
Elan Healing:A New Destination for Health Care
Elan Healing System Foundations
What is Life…
What is Success…
The 5 Intelligences
Universal, Educated, Nurtured, Innate Intelligences and Body Wisdom
Your Biology Reflects Your Biography
The Role of Healing Facilitators
The Leaders Role
An Aligned Overview
The Purpose of Healing
Healing is Your Inner Journey of Discovery
The Elan Components
The 3 Territories of Experience
Elan on
The Meaning We Prescribe
Achieving Success
Choosing Solutions
What We Avoid
Supreme Agency
Symptoms and Disease
Our Bodies are Amazing
Wellness is the Objective
Inner Clarity Creates Outer Beauty
Ease Delivers Clarity
The Necessity of Growth
We get more of what we focus on
Sick-Sick vs health-sick
Transcending vs Transformation
The Hierarchy of Needs
The whole is greater than the sum of the parts
Benefits of Elan Care
Revitalization Care
Transformational Care
The Importance of Research
Quality of Life
The cultural story is that you reside within a weak, genetic accident that is prone to failure. When your fragile body fails, it is not your fault- there are amazing doctors who will fix you. One of the primary jobs of the healing facilitator is to prove to the practice member that you are powerful beyond comprehension.